
Here is my documentation for my final project

Planning and sketching

Project Draft Version 1.0

This is the very first draft for my final project , however after consultation with my lecturer I decided to spice it up a little

Project Draft Version 2.0

Materials need

  1. 3mm thickness Wood for laser cutting
  2. 1 RGB LED
  3. 4 220 Ohm resistors
  4. One push button
  5. 1 1/2 breadboard 85mm x 55mm
  6. At least 9 male to male jumper wires
  7. At least 2 Female to male jumper wires
  8. Arduino Uno
  9. Arduino Uno connecter,used to connect to laptop for power supply

Project update 8/2/2020

The first component I model is the 3D printed base for the mood lamp

I first plan out the measurements , taking into consideration the dimension of the breadboard and thickness of the wood used for the laser cut box.

I plan out the various measurements inside Clip Studio Paint so that it would be very easy to model it out inside Fusion 360.

Project update 8/5/2020

For Embedded programing , I have a push button as the input and a RGB LED as the output.

Here is the schematic I have for this project

and here is the code I will be using

I got my inspiration from two projects that is published on Arduino project hub

  • RGB LED fading
  • Button control
  • I borrow the code from these two projects and tried to combine them

    However I realise that there are mutiple problems with their code and could be optimised a lot more

    Problems I found in both projects

    1. The value of the resistor used are too high, 220 ohm should be used instead of 1k
    2. The code did not put in the right variables
    3. Some wires in the schematic are placed in the wrong position
    4. Input should be Input-pullup instead of just Input

    I manage to fix all these problems eventually and that is how I came up with the code above.

    Code breakdown

    To put it in very simple terms , here is what the code do
    1. The code checks which pins are the outputs and which are the inputs
    2. It constantly checks if the button is pressed
    3. If the button is pressed, it adds 1 to a counter which changes what the RGB LED do
    4. The counter will first be equal to zero , which will tell the LED to fade in and out looping different colours at a time.
    5. When the button is pushed , the counter will now be equal to 1
    6. The RGB LED will have a red , green , blue light when the counter is equal to 1 , 2 and 3 respectively
    7. If the counter is equal to 3 and the button is pressed , it will reset itself back to equal 0.

    Switch debounce problem

    I put everything I have inside Tinkercad and it works as intended.

    However when I connected everything in real life , the button counter counts more times than it should.

    That is when I realise there is a switch debouncing problem.

    Project update 7/9/2020

    I did my laser cut box inside Fusion 360 in the same file as my 3d printed box

    I also made my 3d printed box 20mm shorter due to the fact that cura told me it would take 6 hours to print.

    Using illustrator

    Now that I am finished modelling in Fusion 360 , I imported the sketch from Fusion 360 in DXF format and put it inside illustrator to combine it with a visual design.

    For prototyping I used images from the game called "Hollow Knight" as a placeholder to test if a similarly thin pattern I had in mind for the final design will work.

    Artist that created these designs

    However , the pattern are far too thin and the 3mm plywood I used turned into timber.

    So I did a vector engraving instead to test if it would fit the 3D printed box.

    Everything went fits just fine , however now I need to come up with another design that does not have very thin patterns.

    Second laser cut design

    I created a design base on a character known as " The hunter " from Hollow knights.

    Here is what he looks like in game

    Here is what the pieces look like in illustrator


    I went back to school with fingers crossed that the patterns will turn out fine, because I was unable to make any changes if it does not. For context, my Laptop broke down and is under repair at a service center at the time.

    Here is how it went

    Everything went well and now I got my pieces , so I assembled everything and here is what it look like.

    I notice that the LED i really bright and perhaps I should paste a paper behind the wood pieces so that light is more equally distributed.


    I went back to school to soder my switch to 2 jumper wires since it keeps dropping off.


    Since time is very limited and tight in a covid19 environment, our lecturers allowed us to use wood glue for our projects.

    So that is exactly what I did and here is my final product.

    Final project presentation materials


    Final Project files download links

    Google drive download link